You: Passionate about arts, helping people, or saving the planet.
Me: Passionate about developing organizations to do this work well!
Social Profiles
Email Address
Greensboro, North Carolina, 27410 United States
Size of Organization Staff
1 Person
About Me and My Work
What kinds of projects, tasks, or challenges do you typically partner with nonprofits on?
Organizational Assessment/Organizational Development/Capacity Building;
Board Development; Strategic Planning; Meeting Facilitation;
Leadership for Organizational Start Up and Transition
Strategic Coaching with Executive Director or other Senior Staff;
FInancial Planning and Budgeting; Fundraising Planning
Why would someone choose to work with you?
With over 25 years of direct service and consulting support to nonprofits, Jean helps organizations clarify where they need to go and identify what needs to happen to reach their goals. With strong management, analysis and planning skills, she understands the many facets of an organization's work and how they fit together - from board governance to program management. She started a now 29 year old adult literacy program, co-founded a nonprofit to manage a 100+ year old farmer's market, assisted other service agencies start or grow. She has served as Interim Executive Director in three different situations including a major turn around of a nearly insolvent organization. Jean has facilitated planning with multi-organization groups as well as nonprofits in social services, arts and environment fields. She brings experience of serving as an Executive Director, Development DIrector, Volunteer Coordinator and varied roles as Board Member for numerous organizations. She has an MBA from Northwestern University with a concentration in Not-for-Profit Management, BA from UVA, and is a licensed fundraising consultant in North Carolina. Consultant Member Guilford Nonprofit Consortium, Hands-On NorthWest NC
Key words and additional details
Board Governance and Development; Strategic Planning; Capacity Building; New Project; New Organization; Fundraising Plan: Succession Planning; Strategic Coaching for ED and other senior staff; Meeting Facilitation; Retreat Facilitation; Interim Executive Director