Browse these resources from our top experts and download the tools to launch your nonprofit to new heights and help tackle any challenge!
Creating Better Meetings
Your meetings don't have to be painful and boring. This worksheet helps you get better prepared to use your meeting time more effectively.
Onboarding and Offboarding Checklist
Make sure you are welcoming people into your systems and practices thoroughly, as well as closing the door behind them when they leave.
A Quick Risk Assessment Tool
By Kim Vaccari
A simple guide to help you do a quick risk assessment of your organization.
Case Statement Checklist
Storytelling starts with having the right story to tell. Is your case statement both emotional and rational? As you are crafting your case, run this quick test to see if you are telling your story effectively.
The Ultimate Nonprofit Budget Template
A budget template tailored specifically for nonprofit organizations. You can download and edit to use for your organization!
What in the world IS a Culture of Philanthropy?
By John Curtis
In a Culture of Philanthropy, everyone — leadership, staff, board and volunteers — share responsibility for resource development. This does not mean that everyone has to ask for money, but they are expected to act as champions in raising the visibility of the nonprofit and in building relationships.
Your One Page Fundraising Plan!
Did you know that according to the Individual Donor Benchmark Report, what you need to raise more money is a fundraising plan? Grab your plan NOW!
Action Planning Template
This action planning template can aid staff and board members in making and keeping commitments to take actions in support of the organization's vision, mission, and goals. It is designed to help you identify and prioritize actions, the lead, the timeframe, and the desired result.
Getting Started Using Simple Research
By Jeff Leiter
Simple but systematic data gathering and analysis can be the basis for solving important problems and making crucial decisions in your organization. This is a four-steps guide to begin the process.
Transparent Strategic Planning Guide
By Jami Yazdani
Transparent strategic planning is an opportunity to gather feedback from your community and offer clear direction in moving towards a shared vision of success. This guide provides steps and considerations for leading a transparent (and relatively simple) strategic planning process.
Weekly Plan Template
Research shows that people who identify and write down their most important tasks are much more likely to accomplish them. The Weekly Plan Template is completely flexible — use as is OR customize your boxes, print a bunch of blanks and write all over it, OR start it in soft copy and then print it out on a bright color and tote it around all week.
The Strategy Journey
You don't always need a complex strategic planning process. Stepping a team through a set of questions and tasks may help you identify and resolve the big questions that your organization faces. The Strategy Journey is a set of questions to guide your exploration.
Board Nomination Form
By Rob Meiksins
Before they go off and talk to someone about joining the Board, have your team (board and staff) use this tool to nominate a candidate. Avoid any conflicts, unreasonable expectations, and hurt feelings as people share their nominees with the Governance Committee using this form.
Build a Better Mission Statement
By Amy DeVita
Most mission statements are just plain awful. This two-page downloadable offers help for you to create or re-write a world-class statement that will benefit your organization for years to come!
My Six-Word Reason
By John Capecci
Powerful advocacy begins with intent. Here's an exercise we use to jumpstart discussions with advocates, spokespersons, board members, and anyone who plans to speak out in support of an organization, cause, or mission.
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