Getting Started with Your Consultant

How can your work with a consultant start off on the right foot? We've created resources for you that can help ensure everyone is on the same page from the beginning.
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If you want to make the most of your membership and work with an expert, you'll want these resources.
 | The Getting Started with Your Consultant toolkit includes: Getting Started with A series of steps to follow when you've signed up for your free account.
5 Questions to Answer Before You Call a Consultant A worksheet that will help you answer the questions your consultant wants answers to before you start the conversation.
Starting the Conversation: An Alternative to RFPs A list of questions you can ask your potential consultant to get a better idea of how you can work together to make your project a success.
Reaching Out to Consultants: A Checklist A checklist of the information you should include in your first communication to a consultant through our message system. |
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