What kinds of projects, tasks, or challenges do you typically partner with nonprofits on?
I love supporting non-profits and their staff in living out their values and growing their impact! I have extensive experience working both within (including co-founding one) and side-by-side fabulous non-profits.
Let’s talk about how I might support you in:
• Assessment
• Capacity building/training
• Coaching (E.D./staff on leadership; everyone on life!)
• Evaluation
• Facilitation/meeting & retreat design
• Materials development
• Program design
• Strategic planning
To see what clients say about our work together:
Why would someone choose to work with you?
To all my work as a consultant and coach over the past 20+ years: I bring a love of people, a profound appreciation for non-profits and communities, a deeply listening ear, a creative and analytical mind, a host of innovative approaches, a valuing of meaningful participation, a sense of humor, a passion for social change, an equity lens, and a commitment to excellence. 
Key words and additional details
strategic planning, thought partnering, program planning, implementation planning, design, assessment, evaluation, surveying, interviewing, data collection, facilitation, retreats, leadership coaching, life coaching, capacity building, training, technical assistance, participatory methods, social justice, equity, public health, youth