What kinds of projects, tasks, or challenges do you typically partner with nonprofits on?
While not all nonprofits have the luxury of in-house counsel, all organizations need to know what legal risks they are potentially facing and have a trusted partner to rely on when legal questions arise. It is my goal to be that reliable partner for nonprofits of all sizes. By providing timely and strategic advice from the nonprofit perspective, I am invested in the missions of our clients.
I look to provide nonprofits with effective legal counsel, including on issues such as: Nonprofit formation; Securing tax-exempt status; Governance; Affiliated organization maintenance; Legal compliance; Human resources and labor law; Lobbying and Election related compliance; Contracts; and Nonprofit tax law.
Why would someone choose to work with you?
For 16 years I worked as in-house General Counsel for statewide 501(C)(3) organization - helping the organization grow to a multi-million dollar organization with nearly 30 staff, and affiliated 501(c)(4) and 527 organizations. So, I have been through the struggles of a growing non-profit like yours. I use that deep experience in the nonprofit field and public interest ethic to provide mission-driven non-profits the full array of legal advice and representation needed to succeed.
Key words and additional details
nonprofit formation, governance, affiliated organization maintenance, legal compliance, securing tax exempt status, nonprofit tax law , human resources and labor law, lobbying and elections compliance, contracts, and strategic advice