What kinds of projects, tasks, or challenges do you typically partner with nonprofits on?
Board transformation, including recruitment, selection, and onboarding to create diverse and effective Boards.
Coaching and advising Board Chairs and other Board leaders in carrying out their work, such as planning productive Board meetings, developing leaders, and structuring committees.
Executive/leadership coaching for staff.
Why would someone choose to work with you?
With 20+ years of experience as a non-profit staff member in various roles – including Field Assistant, Organizer, Managing Director, and Senior Advisor for Organizational Development – I have learned a lot about what works and does not work, how to build culture, manage people effectively, and create values-aligned systems and processes that advance the important work of an organization.
As a consultant and coach, I listen deeply, ask questions, advise, and partner with clients to lead from their values to advance their mission.
My approach to working with Boards of Directors is offering flexible, responsive, ongoing coaching and consultation throughout the annual cycle(s) of Board work, focused on specific needs and organizational dynamics, while building knowledge and leadership among Board members.
As a certified professional coach, I work one-on-one with executive staff and board leaders in formal/structured and informal/less structured ways, depending on the needs of each client. Through coaching, we can vision for the future, set goals and work steadily to achieve them, and discuss challenges that arise in work and in life. My clients appreciate the the option to utilize coaching sessions for thought-partnership and advice, to practice an upcoming speech, for support in planning an important meeting, or just to vent to a trusted listener. I am here for all of it!
Key words and additional details
Board Development
Board Training
Executive Coaching
Leaderdship Coaching
Strategic Planning
Vision, Mission and Values
Theory of Change