I equip nonprofit leaders to realize their visions and achieve their goals with a customized and process-driven approach to strategy, operations, programs, and people.
PO Box 97051 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15229 United States
Size of Organization Staff
2-5 People
About Me and My Work
What kinds of projects, tasks, or challenges do you typically partner with nonprofits on?
The people closest to the work know it best. And they’re burned out and bearing the weight of the world. You're not alone in this.
I am an equity-first management consultant, or as my clients think of me, a trusted, outsourced business partner. I help under-resourced nonprofit professionals activate their strategies, optimize their operations, measure and maximize their impact, and foster equitable environments so they can boost their capacity, resolve complex issues, and do the hard work of changing the world.
Why would someone choose to work with you?
Shannon Parris is an innovative management consultant who equips nonprofit leaders to realize their visions and achieve their goals. With nearly a decade of experience, she is a pragmatic accountability partner and empathetic coach, helping clients protect their time. Whether they need to launch a new project or program, operationalize a strategy, or simplify a process, Shannon enables clients to boost their capacity and reach ambitious goals.
Shannon is passionate about developing the next generation of nonprofit leaders. A former nonprofit program director and serial entrepreneur, she knows that the people who are closest to the work often understand it best. Her approach blends strategic insight with practical guidance to support underrepresented leaders transitioning into new roles.
Shannon built her operations and strategy expertise through versatile professional experiences. At Omicelo Cares, she launched a business accelerator that helped over one hundred small business owners increase their revenue, make strategic decisions, and embrace their leadership roles. She previously worked at ACLU of Pennsylvania, indie craft fair I Made It! Market, and nonprofit resale boutique WearWoof. Shannon also serves on the boards of Handmade Arcade, a nonprofit that supports makers and creative entrepreneurs, and the Equal Opportunity Board in Ross Township, a neighborhood in North Pittsburgh.
As a Korean adoptee raised in a predominantly white community, Shannon has a unique perspective on privilege and equity. She is most passionate about working to dismantle systems of oppression and to advocate for and galvanize nonprofit leaders and entrepreneurs with marginalized identities.