What kinds of projects, tasks, or challenges do you typically partner with nonprofits on?
i. Speakman Management Consulting has 25 years of experience in partnering with our community-based clients in the development of effective plans, focused on enhancing impact. Key Services include:
1. Strategic planning and implementation
2. Strategic partnerships including non-profit mergers
3. Facilitated retreats and team-based working sessions
4. Personal development, training and coaching.
5. Fundraising and resource development strategy
Why would someone choose to work with you?
Through a combination of experienced facilitation to deal with key underlying issues and expert consulting, your organization—with the input of key stakeholders—will develop strategies, solutions and partnerships to address critical organizational issues. This process of active involvement of those needed to implement ensures commitment and sets the stage for effective implementation. Implementation is enhanced through training, development and coaching with key leadership, and connecting you to the right partners. The end result is we have a proven history of working with organizations that produce immediate, tangible and desirable results, and help to address systemic issues like racial equity, all with the support of key funders. Overall, we produce results